Buy Lasix Online - Treatment of Various Forms of Hypertension

Lasix is ​​used for the initial diuretic therapy of edematous syndrome in patients with chronic heart failure. The drug is also indicated for emergency care for swelling caused by kidney failure or liver cirrhosis.

Cardiologists prescribe this drug for the treatment of various forms of hypertension, including when patients need to get a quick and powerful antihypertensive effect.

Lasix has several important advantages that make it one of the best antihypertensive agents that possess a powerful diuretic activity.

The advantage of Lasix over other drugs with a similar effect is that it:

  • Quickly reduces swelling and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Proves effective in the terminal stages of renal and hepatic diseases.
  • Effectively prevents the development of pathological conditions that require hospitalization.

A significant diuretic effect is achieved 60 minutes after oral administration of Lasix. When using the optimal doses of this drug, the duration of diuretic effect reaches 8 hours.

A few weeks after the onset of diuretic therapy, blood pressure stabilizes, and the need for regular use of Lasix is ​​reduced.

When the desired clinical effect was achieved, the dose of the diuretic must be gradually reduced. The decision to reduce dosage, frequency of use or cancellation of Lasix should be taken only after a consultation with the attending physician.

If Lasix is ​​used to treat chronic diseases, doctor can give several useful recommendations that will help increase the effectiveness of therapy and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

For example, if you have symptoms of circulatory collapse (chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath), your doctor may recommend immediate resumption of diuretic therapy.

To treat fluid retention or hypertension, Lasix tablets are used that contain 20 mg, 40 mg or 80 mg of the active ingredient Furosemide. The diuretic effect of Lasix is ​​dose-dependent. With an increase in a single dose or frequency of drug use, diuresis is intensified.

A prerequisite for a safe diuretic therapy is the titration of Lasix dose from the starting dose to the maximum therapeutic dose. While complying with this dosing rule, the patient will receive a minimally effective dose of Lasix, which will allow for a continuous diuretic therapy without side effects.

  • To treat edema, as well as the heart failure symptoms in adults, the dose of Lasix can be 20 mg to 80 mg once. Antihypertensive effect is more pronounced, when Lasix is taken twice a day.
  • Treatment of children should be initiated with 2 mg of Lasix per kilogram of weight, as a single dose. If the diuretic effect is not sufficiently expressed, the dose of Lasix can be reintroduced. Maximum doses of Lasix for children should not exceed 6 mg per kilogram of body weight.

If oral administration is not possible, or to achieve the fastest possible diuretic effect, patients can be administered Lasix injections or infusions.

Patients who were prescribed Lasix infusions, should perform diuretic therapy under a regular monitoring by the attending physician. It is also recommended to monitor the patient's body weight, while he is using Lasix infusions.

Despite the fact that therapeutic doses of Lasix are well tolerated and the drug significantly improves the quality of life, some patients may experience side effects.

High doses and prolonged use of Lasix increase the risks of such side effects as weakness, vomiting, headache, rash, blurred vision, muscle spasms, diarrhea, or constipation.

Conducted clinical trials have convincingly proved that Lasix is ​​a diuretic with the optimal combination of safety, tolerability and effectiveness. In clinical trials, Lasix demonstrated the ability to significantly reduce blood pressure and swelling, without adversely affecting metabolic processes.